Lutheran Women's Missionary League
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML), an auxiliary organization with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, is focused on affirming women’s relationship with Christ and developing their spiritual gifts through fellowship, Christian growth, and missional service. The women of the LWML work on projects throughout the year such as a yearly luncheon/fashion show fund raiser, Palm Sunday breakfast, and a Christmas party.  The First Lutheran LWML is open to ALL women. For more information check out their website at
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares the church for Sunday worship. They set up the communion ware and cleanup after worship. They also decorate the sanctuary for Christmas and Easter.
​Contact the Church Office to get involved!
The Card Company
This group designs and creates greeting cards that are sent to families of the church and school for occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, illness, and the loss of loved ones.
The Blessing Weavers
This group enjoys fellowship while creating beautiful blankets for new-born babies within our church and school.  If you want to learn a needle craft, this is the place. Contact Nancy Durkovic at


Thanksgiving Food Drive
At Thanksgiving time, let us be mindful of those less fortunate and pray for them as we reach out with God's love.
First Lutheran will be collecting non-perishable food items such as canned goods, rice, pasta, mashed potatoes, etc.. Items will be collected at our Trunkt-O-berfest on Friday, October 25th.
Secret Shop
Secret Shop is a store where children are able to buy small handmade items for family and friends. Gift wrapping is also available so the recipients will be truly surprised.
 The Secret Shop items are created throughout the year by a wonderful group of “elves.” In early December, the Secret Shop is open for business to our church and preschool!