School Calendar & Events

Printed copies of the calendar are available in the School Office upon request.

This calendar contains school events, Church Mouse Choir dates/times, school holidays, etc.
Please look over the calendar carefully. If you have any questions, please let your child's teacher or the school office know.

"Hearts for Jesus"

The 2024-2025 Hearts for Jesus unified mission project for all our Pacific Southwest District Schools is...

Unknown Nations logo
The LCMS Pacific Southwest District is excited to partner with Unknown Nations (formerly World Mission) to bring the Word of God to unreached people groups in the 10/40 window, the most unreached place on earth!  Unknown Nations seeks to reach the nations where Jesus is unknown. This school year, Circle of Love will be a partner in this mission to spread the Gospel to the most spiritually remote corners of the world! This year for Hearts for Jesus, every $40 raised will send a Treasure audio Bible to the field - introducing many to Jesus for the first time! These devices are distributed through Unknown Nations' network of indigenous missionaries to unknown nations still waiting to hear the Good News. Everyone deserves the opportunity to hear the life-changing message of Jesus.
WHAT IS A "TREASURE"? The Treasure is a solar-powered audio player with the Bible recorded in a person‘s own language/dialect, so it‘s accessible and easy to understand. Since its founding, Unknown Nations has sent over 500,000 audio Bibles - reaching millions of people with the gospel.

Our district goal is 1,000 Treasures!
solar-powered audio Bible

How can I help?

Circle of Love participates in our district's annual Hearts for Jesus Fundraiser in February and/or March.

Information about classroom fundraisers will be shared by your teachers in the spring!